Questions and Answers About Personal Injury Case Settlements

legal settlement, personal injury settlement Each personal injury claim filed in Annapolis involves unique issues. Whether or not to accept a settlement offer is entirely the decision of the claimant. Your personal injury lawyer can offer legal guidance and answer your questions about the settlement offer, but he or she cannot make the decision to accept or reject it.

What is a personal injury settlement?

Your injury lawyer may try to negotiate for a settlement offer on your behalf. A settlement is an arrangement in which you agree to drop the lawsuit in exchange for accepting a specified sum of money for your losses. A settlement is not an admission of liability on behalf of the defendants. A settlement offer may be extended at any time. Even if your case goes to trial, a settlement may still be possible before the trial concludes.

Will I receive more money if the case goes to trial?

Unfortunately, there is no way for a lawyer to determine the outcome of personal injury claims that go to trial. It is certainly possible for you to recover more money if your case results in a jury verdict that is favorable to you. However, there is no guarantee of this. If your case goes to trial, there is also a possibility that you will lose the case and recover no compensation.

Is the settlement offer reasonable for my case?

Your personal injury lawyer will draw on his or her years of litigation experience to assess whether the defendants are offering you a fair settlement, given the facts of the case and your damages. Your lawyer will, with your permission, submit a counteroffer to the defendants to try to negotiate for a higher settlement.

What should the settlement pay?

A personal injury settlement should compensate you for all of the damages directly related to the incident in question. If you accrued medical expenses and lost wages, the settlement should cover those losses. The same applies to property damage if the case involved a car crash or similar accident. A settlement should also compensate you for your pain and suffering.

What happens if I do not agree with the settlement?

You are not required to accept a settlement offer. If you choose not to accept it, your lawyer will litigate your case in court.

Disclaimer: This article provides general information about the topics discussed and does not qualify as legal advice. Every case is different and the laws applicable to each case may differ. If you have a legal matter, you should speak to an attorney to get advice on your particular situation.